Amazon uses sales rank to indicate how fast an item is selling.

  1. Sales ranks are always changing. Amazon can update an item’s sales rank every several minutes.
  1. Our database or live search can only capture the sales rank at the moment when getting the pricing information from Amazon. This means if an item has a sales rank number of 5,000, that number will keep changing and can change to 8,000 after an hour. Therefore, the sales rank number from database search can’t match the current sales rank number exactly. Even the sales rank number from live search will be different after you get home and check it again.
  1. If you do a live search on FBAScan app, you will see two sales rank numbers: instant and average sales rank number over the past 12 months. The average sales rank number will give you a more reliable way to indicate if the item is fast selling or not.
  1. You can also tap CamelCamelCamel icon on the FBAScan app to go to its site. This will show you the sales rank history graph.


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