Scanning FAQs

If you get "An unexpected error occured while trying to connect to the scanner..." when trying to connect Bluetooth Scanner, try the following:

  • 1. Go to the "Start" menu on your PDA and tap "Settings."

  • 2. Once you're in the "Settings" menu, tap the "System" tab and then tap the "Connect!Agent" icon.

    If you don't have Connect!Agent, you will need to download and install both Socket Scan Driver and Connect!Agent before continuing.

  • 3. Tap "Socket CHS" and then "Delete" to remove the program.

  • 4. Confirm that you would like to delete the partnership by tapping "Yes."

  • 5. Tap "OK" to exit the "Settings" menu.

    Turn the Bluetooth Scanner ON.

    Tap the red circle in the bottom right corner and select "Connect CS."

    If you don't see the red circle click HERE.

    If you don't see "Connect CS", please make sure both SocketScan Driver and ConnectAgent are installed properly, and then you have performed a Soft-Reset after installation

  • 6. Tap the Socket Scanner icon and then tap "Connect CS."

  • 7. Wait for the PDA to find the scanner.

  • 8. Tap "Socket CHS" and then tap "OK" to exit.

  • 9. The Scanner icon will change to indicate that the scanner is connected to the PDA.