If you have a problem starting TurboLister, please follow the steps below to do a clean uninstall first before trying to install again.
- Download this file to your computer and double-click to run it. It will delete the database used by TurboLister on your computer.
- Click the installer to install again.
If the steps above do not fix the problem, do step 1 again, uninstall TurboLister first, then install.
Uninstall TurboLister
- Click the bottom of your Windows screen, and type “uninstall” (5), then click “Add or remove programs” (6)
- In Apps & features screen, type TurboLister (7), ASellerTool TurboLister program icon will appear. Click on it and Uninstall (8) This will uninstall the TurboLister program.
Now you finish clean uninstalling TurboLister. You can try to
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